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Bosque Lya

Regular price £15.00

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Finca Bosque Lya achieved fame in specialty coffee circles when it took first place in the 2004 Cup of Excellence competition. Whilst the competition’s focus is all about cupping, if extra points were awarded for a farm’s beauty, then Bosque Lya would be in an even stronger position. This is a 96-hectare farm—64 of which are dedicated to coffee, with the remainder left as natural rainforest. However, in many parts of the farm, it is difficult to distinguish between pure forest and cultivated areas since so many shade trees are used. There is an abundance of wildlife, including birds such as hummingbirds, orioles, hawks, and many migratory bird species. Mammals include wild cats, armadillos, deer, and possums. There are also countless beautiful flowers, including colorful rare orchids and epiphytes that grow on the branches of trees. The views from this farm are breathtaking, with the mountains and volcanoes of western El Salvador and Guatemala on the horizon.


What grind style should I order? 

 Whole Bean To grind at home
Course Grind French Press
Medium Grind V60 or Aeropress
Fine Grind Moka Pot
Finest Grind Espresso

Coffee Details
  • Country: El Salvador
  • Process: Washed
  • Varietals: Orange Bourbon
  • MASL: 2000-2100
  • Cup profile: Blackberries, Raisins, Caramelised Biscuit
  • Weight: 250g, 1kg
Farm Story

Read the full farm story here

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