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Jesus Lemus Leon - Farm Level Story

Jesus Lemus Leon - Farm Level Story

About the Farm

Jesus Lemus Leon is the owner of the farm El Mandarino, which is situated at 1450masl in the Gualme area of Corquin, Copan. The farm is planted with Catuai, Obata and Lempira, and 4 hectares is in full coffee production underneath the natural forest. Gualme is an area known for its great growing conditions for coffee and the wonderful cup quality and Jesus in particular has a very citric cup profile. Jesus has benefited from being able to dry his coffee in the centralised mill, where conditions are much more suited to dry coffee.

Since Jesus doesn't produce an awful lot of coffee and the C price has been very low in recent years, he has turned his attention to micro-lots and now 90% of his production is micro-lots.

Jesus coffees show great complexity, combining the natural acidity and sweetness from the prolonged ripening at his farm and the complexity added by immaculate processing.The coffee will be delivered to the mill where they assess the cherry (take Brix) and decide on the process for the coffees depending on space and what the producer has done already. The cherry is cleaned and washed and then floated to remove any immatures. The coffee is then pulped and fermented overnight and taken to the beds where it is dried for between 10 -15 days weather depending where it is turned hourly.


Country Honduras 
 Cup Score  86
Cup Profile 

Lime and lemonade with a hops and a butter toddy body

Altitude  1450
Process Washed 
Varietal  Mixed
Certificate Organic



Buy Jesus Lemus Leon here 


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