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spilled coffee grounds on white background

Re-using your coffee: Making your own beauty products

Coffee beans have a wonderful lifecycle, from the beginning of their growth as coffee cherries to the moment they’re ground and brewed into your cup. But it doesn’t have to stop there:  All it takes is a little DIY with your grounds and you can craft easy recipes into your own beauty products. Here’s some of the best ways you can re-use your coffee grounds once you’re done brewing.

Coffee beans spilled on white table

Body Scrub

Used coffee grounds have a great texture that you can apply as an alternative body scrub. You can fully personalise your scrub with your favourite herbs and essential oils, so that you’re left with smooth skin and a fresh smell too. Grab a bowl and add your grounds with your choice of herbs and essential oils. We recommend adding a tablespoon of brown sugar, 4 tablespoons of jojoba oil (or any oil will do) to help keep the grounds together, and a choice of 3 herbs and essential oils – we’ve gone for 8 drops of lavender, 5 drops of geranium oil and a palmful of fine lemon zest. Mix your grounds to ensure an even spread, and store in a spare jar or tub. When you’re ready to use, lightly apply and enjoy.

Hair Conditioner Mix

You can add your used grounds into your hair routine to help exfoliate your scalp. Next time you’re using your regular conditioner, add a few pinches of coffee grounds and apply evenly throughout your hair. Adding this extra step in your normal routine once a week will is a great way to boost your hair, providing a soothing scrub and only requires a minimal amount of grounds so you can save the rest for another DIY idea.

used coffee grounds in a jar with a wooden spoon

Facial Mask

On the theme of exfoliating, using coffee grounds for a facial mask helps to cleanse skin, promotes blood circulation and contains anti-ageing properties to. This easy recipe requires coffee grounds and yoghurt, but you can add some extra bits like drops of essential oils or even turmeric for its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components. You’ll want a tablespoon of each ingredient mixed well and applied evenly to the face for 20 minutes. The grounds in this mask help to remove dead skin while the yoghurt works to moisturize and reduce oily skin.

Lip scrub

A lip scrub keeps your lips looking their best, because sometimes just moisturizing doesn’t quite do the trick. Take half a teaspoon of your used grounds and mix with half a teaspoon of honey. When applying to your lips, use small circular motions to spread the combination and remove with warm water after 30 seconds. Make sure to apply some lip balm or moisturizer afterwards to keep your lips protected.

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