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Transient - Faheem General Trading PLC - Farm Level Story

Transient - Faheem General Trading PLC - Farm Level Story

Fahem General Trading PLC (FGTPLC) is a company owned by Managing Director Mr. Mohammed Lalo. To enhance the export business the company established washed coffee pulping station at Checka. It has also organised 754 out grower farmers that are distributed across the districts namely Atnago farmers group. The sites are situated at altitude range of 1755-2010 masl.


The site is located in the production belt of Oromia , Regional State. at Atnago/Limmu Seka district, Jimma zone, Oromia Regional State. The GPS data for the group is 8.3075 Latitude and 36.9442 longitude.


The company is committed to social responsibility affairs and supports the community in seedling raising and distribution, providing strong field technical support for out growers in agronomic aspects of coffee, grain mill establishment (two mills were established), school block building and the construction of kindergarten.


The group currently supplies RA, CAFÉ Practices, Organic, FT/FFL and COSA certified coffee.


Number of permanent employees: 20

Number of employees during the harvest: 150

Size in Hectares: 200ha

Elevation: 1800-2010masl

Cultivars: 74110, 74112, 74148 and 75227

Harvest Months: October -December

Soil type(s): Red clay loam



Coffee is grown here under shade trees. The cultural practices employed on the farm includes pruning,weeding , fertilisation (90% oragnic and 10% in organic fertiliser of NPS). Harvesting of coffee is carried out in two methods depending to type of processing wet/washed/ and sundry /unwashed. For sun dried, the matured cherry indiscriminately harvested by separating ground and tree cherry. While for washed coffee processing careful selection or picking of red cherries by hand is practised for best quality coffee.


Processing is a major activity in coffee production and the most critical from a quality point of view. Coffee processing involves a series of stages, each of which has a distinct purpose. The steps are sorting, pupling, fermenting, washing and drying. The parchment coffee is dried on drying tables under sun. The dried parchment coffee is stored in the warehouse built on the factory premises.


The dried parchment coffee from farm store is despatched to Addis Ababa, Horizon plantaion PLC(Coffee Processing and warehousing). The coffee is received at Coffee Processing and Warehousing where it is de husked, graded and packed. The Dry mill has a capacity of accommodating 48,000 tons of green bean. The coffee is shipped to Djibouti.


The farmers are paid on the volume of coffee supplied to the group. The unit price is determined on the daily ICE Arabica market price of coffee. There is a second payment which is based on the negotiated unit price, The second payment is also based on the volume of delivered to the group.



 Cup Score  84.5
Cup Profile 

Black Cherry, Caramel, Shortbread

Altitude 1750-2000
Process Natural
Varietal  Mixed Heirloom Varietals


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