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Transient - Horizon 109 - Farm Level Story

Transient - Horizon 109 - Farm Level Story

Horizon Supreme is a washing station located in the hills of southern Rwanda, where a combination of high altitude and good rains give some of the highest quality from the country.

Leo Fidele Ndagijimana, the owner, purchased the wet mill from a previous owner who had failed to operate it and was not able to process coffee for many years. After buying the washing station end of 2018, Fidele replaced and fixed the mill’s machinery. He used his experience from managing washing stations in western Rwanda to create a new benchmark for quality. Fidele named the wet mill Horizon to guide his vision of processing quality coffee. The station receives cherry from very small farmers in the area and separates the lots by the week they are delivered.

For the following harvest, the Horizon team is focused on scaling up the systems they’ve put in place.


 Cup Score  86
Cup Profile 

Toffee, Almond, Nectarine

Altitude 1700
Process Washed 
Varietal  Red Bourbon


Buy Transient here 

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